EMF Hazards Summit 2024 - The Hidden Epidemic of Electro-Sensitivity
Attend Summit Free Online: October 3 - 6
Fatigue. Insomnia. Tingling in Hands. Headaches. Tinnitus.
Are you becoming electro-sensitive?
Find out why your phone, Wi-Fi router or Bluetooth gadgets could be making you sick
— and take the first steps towards recovery.

The FREE Virtual Summit Starts on
October 3, 2024

Register for free below:
If you have a hard time registering, please make sure to temporarily disable your VPN or ad blocker, or try again on a new browser.
Scientists Tried To Warn Us Over 15 Years Ago...

"50% of the population can be expected
to become electrosensitive by the year 2017.

% of Electrosensitives
USA (California)
Extrapolated to 50%
National Encyclopedia Sw., 1991
Leitgeb N. et al., 1995, 2005
Levallois P. 2002
Schroeder E. 2002
Fox E. 2004
Hallberg & Oberfeld, 2006
In their 2006 Letter to the Editor published in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Swedish researchers Hallberg and Oberfeld expressed their growing concern.¹

The number of people who claimed they were getting sick from everyday sources of electromagnetic pollution ("EMFs") was rapidly increasing. Their dire prediction was that by 2017, one out of every two people reading this web page would already suffer from electro-sensitivity.

The worst part is that — as EMF scientist Dr. Magda Havas explains³ — most electro-sensitives are not aware of their conditions and "are living a life compromised by increasingly poor health as a consequence of their exposure."

Is Your Body Overwhelmed By This

Top symptoms related to electromagnetic radiation poisoning ⁴
Fatigue / Low Energy
The radiofrequency radiation emitted by your phone or nearby cellular antennas is known to cause a reduction in energy production,⁵ and might deplete your antioxidant reserves over time.⁶
Sleep Troubles / Insomnia
Several experiments showed that just 30 minutes of cellphone exposure before bed impacts your brainwaves like half a cup of coffee, and might cause symptoms of insomnia.⁷
Headaches / Migraines
The use of cell phones and other wireless devices has been strongly associated with headaches.⁸ It's plausible that some people might experience headaches or migraines because of a nearby Wi-Fi router or when they work on a laptop.
Brain Fog / Difficulty Concentrating
Feeling foggy? Many independent researchers like claim that EMFs negatively impacts the brain, even at very low levels. Dr. Martin Pall even hypothesizes that they may be a root cause of very early onset Alzheimer's Disease.⁹
Skin Rashes / Itching / Tingling
Cellphone radiation has been shown to cause a histamine release in the skin,¹⁰ which is very similar to an allergic reaction. Some people are much more "sensitive" than others.
Learn Exactly How to Navigate Symptoms of Electro-Sensitivity, Reduce Your Exposure to Toxic EMFs & Move Towards Recovery
20 Eye-Opening Presentations By These World-Class Experts
Dr. Jack Kruse
 Why Nature Is The Ultimate EHS Fix 
Could nature hold the answers for electro sensitivity? In this revealing conversation, Dr. Jack Kruse explains why *literally* re-connecting to the sun and the Earth is the key to improving our resilience, and thriving in an electro-polluted environment.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
 Regulatory Capture, Medical Gaslighting: How Can We Turn Things Around? 
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shares his thoughts on how we can overcome the stunning level of regulatory capture at the FCC. Plus, an update on current legal EMF battles in the US.
Dr. Magda Havas
 These 5 Precursors Can "Trigger" Electro-Sensitivity 
Dr. Havas reveals the 5 precursors that seem to trigger electro-sensitivity in some people, and shares her latest findings on exactly what strategies can help you get better.
Dr. Neil Nathan
 You CAN Heal From EHS: A Basic Blueprint 
You CAN recover from electro-sensitivity. In this revealing interview, Dr. Nathan outlines exactly what bodily systems need to be fixed to start getting better.

Julian Gresser
 "You Are NOT Powerless" - International Attorney Will Help You Increase Your Resilience 
International attorney Julian Gresser has been fighting against goliath for over 45 years. He shares key lessons that will give you hope in our future and help you become more resilient in times of turmoil.
Dr. Eric Gordon
 It's Not Just EHS! How To Take A Truly Holistic Approach To Recovery 
Dr. Eric Gordon reveals the truth: electro-sensitivity is NOT the only health issue that EHS sufferers actually have. Here's how to start thinking about recovery in a truly holistic way.
Beth Shirley
 EMFs Lower Your Nitric Oxide & What To Do About It 
Recent scientific breakthroughs identified that nitric oxide plays a KEY role in fertility, detoxification, mental health, and overall resilience. Unfortunately, our modern EMF exposures greatly hinder our ability to produce nitric oxide!
Brian Hoyer
 The Truth About Shielding & Mistakes To Avoid 
Discover how shielding your bedroom against ambient "electro-pollution" can have profound impacts on your recovery - whether you are electro-sensitive or not.
David Schmidt
 Improve Your Body's Resilience & Slow Aging With Copper Peptides  
Inventor David Schmidt shares various ways we can improve our body's natural ability to withstand stressors (including EMFs), and reveals the science behind a special patch which helps the body create copper peptides.

Milena Ràfols
 There IS Hope - Milena's Journey Through Electro-Sensitivity 
In this touching conversation, Milena shares how she became electro hypersensitive, barely sleeping for 15 years - and was able to get better. She shares a message of hope and compassion that will resonate deeply with you.
Rob Metzinger
 The Worst Sources of EMFs For Electro-Sensitives 
What EMF sources could be at the very root of your everyday symptoms? Building biologist Rob Metzinger shares what he discovered through 20 years of experience helping people minimize their EMF load.
Darin Olien
 How To Minimize Your Everyday Toxic Load... Without Freaking Out 
Health pioneer Darin Olien shares the inconvenient truth about how many chemicals we are exposed to from everyday items like dental floss, cleaning products, clothing and tap water. He shares down to earth solutions to minimize your toxic load -- without losing your mind!
Dr. Melanie Smith
 Take Control Of Your Stress Levels With Energy Medicine 
A stressful, electro-polluted environment requires new stress management strategies. Dr. Melanie shares easy, no-cost energy medicine techniques that will add a whole new dimension to your stress management.
R Blank
 Consumer Beware: How To Shop For EMF-Blocking Products 
Warning: Poorly designed "EMF-blocking" products can do more harm than good. Join R Blank to learn how to find EMF mitigation solutions that actually work and that have been properly tested.
Amish Shah
 These Ancient Ayurvedic Principles Will Help You Lower Stress 
Amish Shah shares his latest findings on the thousands year old science of ayurveda. Learn how to manage your everyday stress and give your body what it actually needs.
Prof. Olle Johansson
 This is NOT "In Your Head" - The Truth About Electro-Sensitivity 
Scientist Professor Olle Johansson reveals the history of electro-sensitivity, how its prevalence has been increasing over time, and explains why the condition is still misunderstood and ridiculed to this very day.
Ryan Blaser
 How To Improve Air Quality & Reduce Toxic Mold At Home 
Just like EMFs, mold and air pollution can greatly worsen symptoms of electro-sensitivity. Ryan Blaser shares how to start improving your home environment.

Pawel Wypychowski
 Ex-Telecom Engineer: "EHS Is An Information Problem" 
Engineer Pawel Wypychowski has gotten sick from our modern technologies, and successfully healed himself. He shares his unique perspective about electro-sensitivity, and why it develops in some individuals, but not others.

Prof. André Vander Vorst
 Research Update: EHS Diagnosis & Vitamin E Promises 
Professor Vander Vorst updates us on his last 2 decades of research around electro hypersensitivity, and shares that the therapeutic use of Vitamin E seems promising for EHS sufferers.
Derrick Broze
 How To Be An Activist & Change The World - Without Killing Yourself 
Journalist and activist Derrick Broze will inspire you to get involved in topics that matter to you -- the healthy way. Learn how to manage your energy, mental space and become more balanced in your efforts to make the world a better place.
Meet Your Summit Host:
Nick Pineault, Citizen Journalist
My name is Nick Pineault, and I'm a citizen journalist from Montreal, Canada. Some people call me “The EMF Guy” — “EMF,” meaning electromagnetic fields, or simply put the electromagnetic “pollution” that we’re being exposed to by cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, cellphone towers and other modern gadgets.

I’m the author of one of the best-rated books on the topic of how EMFs impact human health and what to do about it. Since late 2016, I’ve become a passionate advocate for safe technologies, raising awareness around the dangers of EMFs and electro-sensitivity on well over a hundred combined podcasts, Facebook lives, radio shows, TV shows, and stages all around the world. 
Why You Cannot Afford To Miss
The 2024 EMF Hazards Summit...
Save money by avoiding empty promises and scams
Countless products and gadgets claim to be able to magically cure electro-sensitivity or completely "harmonize" the EMFs in your home.

These products are NOT endorsed by independent EMF scientists and doctors who treat electro-sensitive patients.

During the summit, you'll learn exactly which solutions are actually worth your time and money.
Get actionable tips you can start doing right away
(explained in simple terms)

A lot of summits leave you with more questions than answers. We won't.

Instead, expect actionable items that you can start incorporating in your everyday life right away, after every session.
Transparent, truthful, independent, agenda-free information
All the experts featured on this summit have been hand picked because they genuinely want to help people improve their health, and their lives. Period.
We're giving back
5% of all net profits from this event will be donated to our several nonprofit partners.

So far, the annual EMF Hazards Summit has generated more than $18,000 for nonprofits that are dedicated to informing the public about the dangers of EMFs, helping electro-sensitive individuals or who are legally representing EMF-injured victims against the Telecoms.
What you'll learn during this educational event...
How everyday sources of EMFs such as cell phones, tablets, Bluetooth gadgets and computers are impacting your health and increasing your long-term risks of cancer and other diseases
Easy action steps you can take right away to minimize your EMF exposure and potentially reduce symptoms related to this electromagnetic stress
Recognize the top symptoms related to electromagnetic radiation poisoning (electro-sensitivity) and learn strategies to move towards recovery
Learn what are the worst sources of EMFs in your bedroom, living room or office space

The 2024 EMF Hazards Summit Goes LIVE
October 3 - 6, 2024

NEW! Each training session remains available for these 4 days!
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is The EMF Hazards Summit 2024?
The 4-day digital event consists of 20 world-class experts in the field of EMF who are sharing their strategies to help you identify the symptoms of electro-sensitivity, reduce your EMF exposure from everyday gadgets, and move towards recovery
Is this the same summit as the EMF Hazards Summit launched in 2021 and 2023?
No, this is a brand new summit! We've put together 20 brand new interviews, this time with a deep focus on the growing but hidden epidemic of electro-sensitivity.
Is this event really free?
Yes, the EMF Hazards Summit 2024 is completely fee to attend from October 3rd to 6th. All you need to do is to register by entering your name and email on this very web page.

Once registration has been confirmed, you'll receive an access link which you'll be able to use for all 4 days of the event.

If you think you might miss any of these vitally important training sessions, you may want to consider securing access to the "EMF Package", which includes the full audio and video recordings, full transcripts, and several amazing bonuses from our speakers and sponsors. You'll learn more about this package after you register for your free pass above.

Where is the summit held? Do I need to book a hotel room?
This summit is held 100% online, so you'll be able to watch from the comfort of your home.

Our interviews and presentations are available for free on the day they launch for the summit to anyone who has claimed their free pass. Access links are emailed each day of the summit for the presentations going live that day.

How can I watch this online event without exposing my body to EMFs?
We recommend watching the entire summit on a computer which uses a wired connection (Ethernet wire), and where the Wi-Fi and the Bluetooth antennas have both been turned off.

If you purchase the 'EMF Package,' which gives you access to the full recordings of this summit anytime, you have the option to download the video, audio and transcript for each interview.

What happens if I miss one of the training sessions?
Each training session can be accessed during the 4 days of this summit. This allows you to maintain your life and still find time to catch each of these amazing presentations.

At any point, you may also choose to purchase the EMF Package, which will give you permanent access to all summit presentations!

Do you have a question not answered here?
Simply email support@theemfguy.com and we’ll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.
Still Think This Is All "Tinfoil Hat" Theories?
Read The Scientific Sources Below:
1. Hallberg O, Oberfeld G. Letter to the editor: will we all become electrosensitive? Electromagn Biol Med. 2006;25(3):189-91. doi: 10.1080/15368370600873377. PMID: 16954121. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16954121/

2. This table contains data based on the work of Hallberg and Oberfeld, 2006. The data is not exhaustive and was abbreviated to help non-academics understand the authors' conclusion: There is a concerning upwards trend in the prevalence of electrosensitivity in multiple countries.

3. Havas M. Radiation from wireless technology affects the blood, the heart, and the autonomic nervous system. Rev Environ Health. 2013;28(2-3):75-84. https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2013-0004. PMID: 24192494. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24192494/

4. Compiled from various scientific papers and guidelines on the management of electro hypersensitivity (EHS), including: Belyaev I, Dean A, Eger H, Hubmann G, Jandrisovits R, Kern M, Kundi M, Moshammer H, Lercher P, Müller K, Oberfeld G, Ohnsorge P, Pelzmann P, Scheingraber C, Thill R. EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses. Rev Environ Health. 2016 Sep 1;31(3):363-97. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2016-0011. PMID: 27454111. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27454111/

5. According to the work of EMF scientist Dr. Paul Héroux. See his presentation at the 2018 "Wireless Tech Forum" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJyQk3Y6NGE

6. Zothansiama, Zosangzuali M, Lalramdinpuii M, Jagetia GC. Impact of radiofrequency radiation on DNA damage and antioxidants in peripheral blood lymphocytes of humans residing in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations. Electromagn Biol Med. 2017;36(3):295-305. doi: 10.1080/15368378.2017.1350584. Epub 2017 Aug 4. PMID: 28777669. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28777669/

7. See this article for more details: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mind-control-by-cell/ Bizarrely enough, researchers completely dismissed these findings as "not meaning that cell phones are dangerous". How can cell phone radiation be "perfectly safe" (like health authorities and Big Telecom keep repeating), all while triggering insomnia after just 30 minutes of exposure?

8. Wang J, Su H, Xie W, Yu S. Mobile Phone Use and The Risk of Headache: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Cross-sectional Studies. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 3;7(1):12595. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-12802-9. PMID: 28974725; PMCID: PMC5626766. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28974725/

9. Pall ML. Low Intensity Electromagnetic Fields Act via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation to Cause Very Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease: 18 Distinct Types of Evidence. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2022;19(2):119-132. doi: 10.2174/1567205019666220202114510. PMID: 35114921; PMCID: PMC9189734.

10. Read this detailed article for more information about this emerging area of EMF science: https://mastcell360.com/are-your-cell-phone-wifi-router-and-other-emfs-hurting-your-mast-cell-activation-syndrome-and-histamine-intolerance/

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